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Databricks-Certified-Professional-Data-Engineer Exam Dumps - Databricks Certified Data Engineer Professional Exam

Question # 4

The Databricks workspace administrator has configured interactive clusters for each of the data engineering groups. To control costs, clusters are set to terminate after 30 minutes of inactivity. Each user should be able to execute workloads against their assigned clusters at any time of the day.

Assuming users have been added to a workspace but not granted any permissions, which of the following describes the minimal permissions a user would need to start and attach to an already configured cluster.


"Can Manage" privileges on the required cluster


Workspace Admin privileges, cluster creation allowed. "Can Attach To" privileges on the required cluster


Cluster creation allowed. "Can Attach To" privileges on the required cluster


"Can Restart" privileges on the required cluster


Cluster creation allowed. "Can Restart" privileges on the required cluster

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Question # 5

A table named user_ltv is being used to create a view that will be used by data analysis on various teams. Users in the workspace are configured into groups, which are used for setting up data access using ACLs.

The user_ltv table has the following schema:

An analyze who is not a member of the auditing group executing the following query:

Which result will be returned by this query?


All columns will be displayed normally for those records that have an age greater than 18; records not meeting this condition will be omitted.


All columns will be displayed normally for those records that have an age greater than 17; records not meeting this condition will be omitted.


All age values less than 18 will be returned as null values all other columns will be returned with the values in user_ltv.


All records from all columns will be displayed with the values in user_ltv.

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Question # 6

A Delta table of weather records is partitioned by date and has the below schema:

date DATE, device_id INT, temp FLOAT, latitude FLOAT, longitude FLOAT

To find all the records from within the Arctic Circle, you execute a query with the below filter:

latitude > 66.3

Which statement describes how the Delta engine identifies which files to load?


All records are cached to an operational database and then the filter is applied


The Parquet file footers are scanned for min and max statistics for the latitude column


All records are cached to attached storage and then the filter is applied


The Delta log is scanned for min and max statistics for the latitude column


The Hive metastore is scanned for min and max statistics for the latitude column

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Question # 7

The data engineering team has configured a job to process customer requests to be forgotten (have their data deleted). All user data that needs to be deleted is stored in Delta Lake tables using default table settings.

The team has decided to process all deletions from the previous week as a batch job at 1am each Sunday. The total duration of this job is less than one hour. Every Monday at 3am, a batch job executes a series of VACUUM commands on all Delta Lake tables throughout the organization.

The compliance officer has recently learned about Delta Lake's time travel functionality. They are concerned that this might allow continued access to deleted data.

Assuming all delete logic is correctly implemented, which statement correctly addresses this concern?


Because the vacuum command permanently deletes all files containing deleted records, deleted records may be accessible with time travel for around 24 hours.


Because the default data retention threshold is 24 hours, data files containing deleted records will be retained until the vacuum job is run the following day.


Because Delta Lake time travel provides full access to the entire history of a table, deleted records can always be recreated by users with full admin privileges.


Because Delta Lake's delete statements have ACID guarantees, deleted records will be permanently purged from all storage systems as soon as a delete job completes.


Because the default data retention threshold is 7 days, data files containing deleted records will be retained until the vacuum job is run 8 days later.

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Question # 8

Which statement describes the default execution mode for Databricks Auto Loader?


New files are identified by listing the input directory; new files are incrementally and idempotently loaded into the target Delta Lake table.


Cloud vendor-specific queue storage and notification services are configured to track newly arriving files; new files are incrementally and impotently into the target Delta Lake table.


Webhook trigger Databricks job to run anytime new data arrives in a source directory; new data automatically merged into target tables using rules inferred from the data.


New files are identified by listing the input directory; the target table is materialized by directory querying all valid files in the source directory.

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Question # 9

Which statement regarding stream-static joins and static Delta tables is correct?


Each microbatch of a stream-static join will use the most recent version of the static Delta table as of each microbatch.


Each microbatch of a stream-static join will use the most recent version of the static Delta table as of the job's initialization.


The checkpoint directory will be used to track state information for the unique keys present in the join.


Stream-static joins cannot use static Delta tables because of consistency issues.


The checkpoint directory will be used to track updates to the static Delta table.

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Question # 10

A Data engineer wants to run unit’s tests using common Python testing frameworks on python functions defined across several Databricks notebooks currently used in production.

How can the data engineer run unit tests against function that work with data in production?


Run unit tests against non-production data that closely mirrors production


Define and unit test functions using Files in Repos


Define units test and functions within the same notebook


Define and import unit test functions from a separate Databricks notebook

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Question # 11

A Delta Lake table was created with the below query:

Realizing that the original query had a typographical error, the below code was executed:

ALTER TABLE prod.sales_by_stor RENAME TO prod.sales_by_store

Which result will occur after running the second command?


The table reference in the metastore is updated and no data is changed.


The table name change is recorded in the Delta transaction log.


All related files and metadata are dropped and recreated in a single ACID transaction.


The table reference in the metastore is updated and all data files are moved.


A new Delta transaction log Is created for the renamed table.

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Question # 12

Which distribution does Databricks support for installing custom Python code packages?













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Question # 13

The data governance team has instituted a requirement that all tables containing Personal Identifiable Information (PH) must be clearly annotated. This includes adding column comments, table comments, and setting the custom table property "contains_pii" = true.

The following SQL DDL statement is executed to create a new table:

Which command allows manual confirmation that these three requirements have been met?




DESCRIBE DETAIL dev.pii test







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Question # 14

The following code has been migrated to a Databricks notebook from a legacy workload:

The code executes successfully and provides the logically correct results, however, it takes over 20 minutes to extract and load around 1 GB of data.

Which statement is a possible explanation for this behavior?


%sh triggers a cluster restart to collect and install Git. Most of the latency is related to cluster startup time.


Instead of cloning, the code should use %sh pip install so that the Python code can get executed in parallel across all nodes in a cluster.


%sh does not distribute file moving operations; the final line of code should be updated to use %fs instead.


Python will always execute slower than Scala on Databricks. The script should be refactored to Scala.


%sh executes shell code on the driver node. The code does not take advantage of the worker nodes or Databricks optimized Spark.

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Question # 15

A junior data engineer is working to implement logic for a Lakehouse table named silver_device_recordings. The source data contains 100 unique fields in a highly nested JSON structure.

The silver_device_recordings table will be used downstream for highly selective joins on a number of fields, and will also be leveraged by the machine learning team to filter on a handful of relevant fields, in total, 15 fields have been identified that will often be used for filter and join logic.

The data engineer is trying to determine the best approach for dealing with these nested fields before declaring the table schema.

Which of the following accurately presents information about Delta Lake and Databricks that may Impact their decision-making process?


Because Delta Lake uses Parquet for data storage, Dremel encoding information for nesting can be directly referenced by the Delta transaction log.


Tungsten encoding used by Databricks is optimized for storing string data: newly-added native support for querying JSON strings means that string types are always most efficient.


Schema inference and evolution on Databricks ensure that inferred types will always accurately match the data types used by downstream systems.


By default Delta Lake collects statistics on the first 32 columns in a table; these statistics are leveraged for data skipping when executing selective queries.

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Question # 16

The data engineer team is configuring environment for development testing, and production before beginning migration on a new data pipeline. The team requires extensive testing on both the code and data resulting from code execution, and the team want to develop and test against similar production data as possible.

A junior data engineer suggests that production data can be mounted to the development testing environments, allowing pre production code to execute against production data. Because all users have

Admin privileges in the development environment, the junior data engineer has offered to configure permissions and mount this data for the team.

Which statement captures best practices for this situation?


Because access to production data will always be verified using passthrough credentials it is safe to mount data to any Databricks development environment.


All developer, testing and production code and data should exist in a single unified workspace; creating separate environments for testing and development further reduces risks.


In environments where interactive code will be executed, production data should only be accessible with read permissions; creating isolated databases for each environment further reduces risks.


Because delta Lake versions all data and supports time travel, it is not possible for user error or malicious actors to permanently delete production data, as such it is generally safe to mount production data anywhere.

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Question # 17

The data engineering team is migrating an enterprise system with thousands of tables and views into the Lakehouse. They plan to implement the target architecture using a series of bronze, silver, and gold tables. Bronze tables will almost exclusively be used by production data engineering workloads, while silver tables will be used to support both data engineering and machine learning workloads. Gold tables will largely serve business intelligence and reporting purposes. While personal identifying information (PII) exists in all tiers of data, pseudonymization and anonymization rules are in place for all data at the silver and gold levels.

The organization is interested in reducing security concerns while maximizing the ability to collaborate across diverse teams.

Which statement exemplifies best practices for implementing this system?


Isolating tables in separate databases based on data quality tiers allows for easy permissions management through database ACLs and allows physical separation of default storage locations for managed tables.


Because databases on Databricks are merely a logical construct, choices around database organization do not impact security or discoverability in the Lakehouse.


Storinq all production tables in a single database provides a unified view of all data assets available throughout the Lakehouse, simplifying discoverability by granting all users view privileges on this database.


Working in the default Databricks database provides the greatest security when working with managed tables, as these will be created in the DBFS root.


Because all tables must live in the same storage containers used for the database they're created in, organizations should be prepared to create between dozens and thousands of databases depending on their data isolation requirements.

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Question # 18

The data engineering team maintains the following code:

Assuming that this code produces logically correct results and the data in the source tables has been de-duplicated and validated, which statement describes what will occur when this code is executed?


A batch job will update the enriched_itemized_orders_by_account table, replacing only those rows that have different values than the current version of the table, using accountID as the primary key.


The enriched_itemized_orders_by_account table will be overwritten using the current valid version of data in each of the three tables referenced in the join logic.


An incremental job will leverage information in the state store to identify unjoined rows in the source tables and write these rows to the enriched_iteinized_orders_by_account table.


An incremental job will detect if new rows have been written to any of the source tables; if new rows are detected, all results will be recalculated and used to overwrite the enriched_itemized_orders_by_account table.


No computation will occur until enriched_itemized_orders_by_account is queried; upon query materialization, results will be calculated using the current valid version of data in each of the three tables referenced in the join logic.

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Question # 19

A data architect has designed a system in which two Structured Streaming jobs will concurrently write to a single bronze Delta table. Each job is subscribing to a different topic from an Apache Kafka source, but they will write data with the same schema. To keep the directory structure simple, a data engineer has decided to nest a checkpoint directory to be shared by both streams.

The proposed directory structure is displayed below:

Which statement describes whether this checkpoint directory structure is valid for the given scenario and why?


No; Delta Lake manages streaming checkpoints in the transaction log.


Yes; both of the streams can share a single checkpoint directory.


No; only one stream can write to a Delta Lake table.


Yes; Delta Lake supports infinite concurrent writers.


No; each of the streams needs to have its own checkpoint directory.

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Question # 20

The data engineering team maintains the following code:

Assuming that this code produces logically correct results and the data in the source table has been de-duplicated and validated, which statement describes what will occur when this code is executed?


The silver_customer_sales table will be overwritten by aggregated values calculated from all records in the gold_customer_lifetime_sales_summary table as a batch job.


A batch job will update the gold_customer_lifetime_sales_summary table, replacing only those rows that have different values than the current version of the table, using customer_id as the primary key.


The gold_customer_lifetime_sales_summary table will be overwritten by aggregated values calculated from all records in the silver_customer_sales table as a batch job.


An incremental job will leverage running information in the state store to update aggregate values in the gold_customer_lifetime_sales_summary table.


An incremental job will detect if new rows have been written to the silver_customer_sales table; if new rows are detected, all aggregates will be recalculated and used to overwrite the gold_customer_lifetime_sales_summary table.

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Question # 21

A distributed team of data analysts share computing resources on an interactive cluster with autoscaling configured. In order to better manage costs and query throughput, the workspace administrator is hoping to evaluate whether cluster upscaling is caused by many concurrent users or resource-intensive queries.

In which location can one review the timeline for cluster resizing events?


Workspace audit logs


Driver's log file




Cluster Event Log


Executor's log file

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Question # 22

An upstream system has been configured to pass the date for a given batch of data to the Databricks Jobs API as a parameter. The notebook to be scheduled will use this parameter to load data with the following code:

df ="parquet").load(f"/mnt/source/(date)")

Which code block should be used to create the date Python variable used in the above code block?


date = spark.conf.get("date")


input_dict = input()

date= input_dict["date"]


import sys

date = sys.argv[1]


date = dbutils.notebooks.getParam("date")


dbutils.widgets.text("date", "null")

date = dbutils.widgets.get("date")

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Question # 23

The marketing team is looking to share data in an aggregate table with the sales organization, but the field names used by the teams do not match, and a number of marketing specific fields have not been approval for the sales org.

Which of the following solutions addresses the situation while emphasizing simplicity?


Create a view on the marketing table selecting only these fields approved for the sales team alias the names of any fields that should be standardized to the sales naming conventions.


Use a CTAS statement to create a derivative table from the marketing table configure a production jon to propagation changes.


Add a parallel table write to the current production pipeline, updating a new sales table that varies as required from marketing table.


Create a new table with the required schema and use Delta Lake's DEEP CLONE functionality to sync up changes committed to one table to the corresponding table.

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Question # 24

A Delta Lake table was created with the below query:

Consider the following query:

DROP TABLE prod.sales_by_store -

If this statement is executed by a workspace admin, which result will occur?


Nothing will occur until a COMMIT command is executed.


The table will be removed from the catalog but the data will remain in storage.


The table will be removed from the catalog and the data will be deleted.


An error will occur because Delta Lake prevents the deletion of production data.


Data will be marked as deleted but still recoverable with Time Travel.

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Question # 25

The view updates represents an incremental batch of all newly ingested data to be inserted or updated in the customers table.

The following logic is used to process these records.

Which statement describes this implementation?


The customers table is implemented as a Type 3 table; old values are maintained as a new column alongside the current value.


The customers table is implemented as a Type 2 table; old values are maintained but marked as no longer current and new values are inserted.


The customers table is implemented as a Type 0 table; all writes are append only with no changes to existing values.


The customers table is implemented as a Type 1 table; old values are overwritten by new values and no history is maintained.


The customers table is implemented as a Type 2 table; old values are overwritten and new customers are appended.

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Question # 26

A table in the Lakehouse named customer_churn_params is used in churn prediction by the machine learning team. The table contains information about customers derived from a number of upstream sources. Currently, the data engineering team populates this table nightly by overwriting the table with the current valid values derived from upstream data sources.

The churn prediction model used by the ML team is fairly stable in production. The team is only interested in making predictions on records that have changed in the past 24 hours.

Which approach would simplify the identification of these changed records?


Apply the churn model to all rows in the customer_churn_params table, but implement logic to perform an upsert into the predictions table that ignores rows where predictions have not changed.


Convert the batch job to a Structured Streaming job using the complete output mode; configure a Structured Streaming job to read from the customer_churn_params table and incrementally predict against the churn model.


Calculate the difference between the previous model predictions and the current customer_churn_params on a key identifying unique customers before making new predictions; only make predictions on those customers not in the previous predictions.


Modify the overwrite logic to include a field populated by calling spark.sql.functions.current_timestamp() as data are being written; use this field to identify records written on a particular date.


Replace the current overwrite logic with a merge statement to modify only those records that have changed; write logic to make predictions on the changed records identified by the change data feed.

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Question # 27

Which statement regarding spark configuration on the Databricks platform is true?


Spark configuration properties set for an interactive cluster with the Clusters UI will impact all notebooks attached to that cluster.


When the same spar configuration property is set for an interactive to the same interactive cluster.


Spark configuration set within an notebook will affect all SparkSession attached to the same interactive cluster


The Databricks REST API can be used to modify the Spark configuration properties for an interactive cluster without interrupting jobs.

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Question # 28

Which statement characterizes the general programming model used by Spark Structured Streaming?


Structured Streaming leverages the parallel processing of GPUs to achieve highly parallel data throughput.


Structured Streaming is implemented as a messaging bus and is derived from Apache Kafka.


Structured Streaming uses specialized hardware and I/O streams to achieve sub-second latency for data transfer.


Structured Streaming models new data arriving in a data stream as new rows appended to an unbounded table.


Structured Streaming relies on a distributed network of nodes that hold incremental state values for cached stages.

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Question # 29

Which statement describes integration testing?


Validates interactions between subsystems of your application


Requires an automated testing framework


Requires manual intervention


Validates an application use case


Validates behavior of individual elements of your application

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Question # 30

Each configuration below is identical to the extent that each cluster has 400 GB total of RAM, 160 total cores and only one Executor per VM.

Given a job with at least one wide transformation, which of the following cluster configurations will result in maximum performance?


• Total VMs; 1

• 400 GB per Executor

• 160 Cores / Executor


• Total VMs: 8

• 50 GB per Executor

• 20 Cores / Executor


• Total VMs: 4

• 100 GB per Executor

• 40 Cores/Executor


• Total VMs:2

• 200 GB per Executor

• 80 Cores / Executor

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Question # 31

The DevOps team has configured a production workload as a collection of notebooks scheduled to run daily using the Jobs UI. A new data engineering hire is onboarding to the team and has requested access to one of these notebooks to review the production logic.

What are the maximum notebook permissions that can be granted to the user without allowing accidental changes to production code or data?


Can Manage


Can Edit


No permissions


Can Read


Can Run

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Question # 32

A data engineer needs to capture pipeline settings from an existing in the workspace, and use them to create and version a JSON file to create a new pipeline.

Which command should the data engineer enter in a web terminal configured with the Databricks CLI?


Use the get command to capture the settings for the existing pipeline; remove the pipeline_id and rename the pipeline; use this in a create command


Stop the existing pipeline; use the returned settings in a reset command


Use the alone command to create a copy of an existing pipeline; use the get JSON command to get the pipeline definition; save this to git


Use list pipelines to get the specs for all pipelines; get the pipeline spec from the return results parse and use this to create a pipeline

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Question # 33

The data architect has mandated that all tables in the Lakehouse should be configured as external (also known as "unmanaged") Delta Lake tables.

Which approach will ensure that this requirement is met?


When a database is being created, make sure that the LOCATION keyword is used.


When configuring an external data warehouse for all table storage, leverage Databricks for all ELT.


When data is saved to a table, make sure that a full file path is specified alongside the Delta format.


When tables are created, make sure that the EXTERNAL keyword is used in the CREATE TABLE statement.


When the workspace is being configured, make sure that external cloud object storage has been mounted.

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Question # 34

A junior member of the data engineering team is exploring the language interoperability of Databricks notebooks. The intended outcome of the below code is to register a view of all sales that occurred in countries on the continent of Africa that appear in the geo_lookup table.

Before executing the code, running SHOW TABLES on the current database indicates the database contains only two tables: geo_lookup and sales.

Which statement correctly describes the outcome of executing these command cells in order in an interactive notebook?


Both commands will succeed. Executing show tables will show that countries at and sales at have been registered as views.


Cmd 1 will succeed. Cmd 2 will search all accessible databases for a table or view named countries af: if this entity exists, Cmd 2 will succeed.


Cmd 1 will succeed and Cmd 2 will fail, countries at will be a Python variable representing a PySpark DataFrame.


Both commands will fail. No new variables, tables, or views will be created.


Cmd 1 will succeed and Cmd 2 will fail, countries at will be a Python variable containing a list of strings.

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Question # 35

The downstream consumers of a Delta Lake table have been complaining about data quality issues impacting performance in their applications. Specifically, they have complained that invalid latitude and longitude values in the activity_details table have been breaking their ability to use other geolocation processes.

A junior engineer has written the following code to add CHECK constraints to the Delta Lake table:

A senior engineer has confirmed the above logic is correct and the valid ranges for latitude and longitude are provided, but the code fails when executed.

Which statement explains the cause of this failure?


Because another team uses this table to support a frequently running application, two-phase locking is preventing the operation from committing.


The activity details table already exists; CHECK constraints can only be added during initial table creation.


The activity details table already contains records that violate the constraints; all existing data must pass CHECK constraints in order to add them to an existing table.


The activity details table already contains records; CHECK constraints can only be added prior to inserting values into a table.


The current table schema does not contain the field valid coordinates; schema evolution will need to be enabled before altering the table to add a constraint.

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Question # 36

A user wants to use DLT expectations to validate that a derived table report contains all records from the source, included in the table validation_copy.

The user attempts and fails to accomplish this by adding an expectation to the report table definition.

Which approach would allow using DLT expectations to validate all expected records are present in this table?


Define a SQL UDF that performs a left outer join on two tables, and check if this returns null values for report key values in a DLT expectation for the report table.


Define a function that performs a left outer join on validation_copy and report and report, and check against the result in a DLT expectation for the report table


Define a temporary table that perform a left outer join on validation_copy and report, and define an expectation that no report key values are null


Define a view that performs a left outer join on validation_copy and report, and reference this view in DLT expectations for the report table

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