You Completely Install the Redhat Enterprise Linux ES 4 on your System. While start the system, it’s giving error to load X window System. How will you fix that problem and make boot successfully run X Window System.
One Logical Volume named lv1 is created under vg0. The Initial Size of that Logical Volume is 100MB. Now you required the size 500MB. Make successfully the size of that Logical Volume 500M without losing any data. As well as size should be increased online.
You are giving RHCT Exam and in your Exam paper there is a question written, make successfully ping to
Your LAN is Block the telnet connection from outside the LAN.
Configure to allow the pop3 and imap connection from your domain
and domain.
Your Local Domain is Configure the send mail server for you local LAN by following these conditions.
i.Any mail going from Local LAN should be masquerade to
ii.Any incoming mail for virtual address should be mapped to
iii.All outgoing mail should be send via mail server.
Configure the DNS for domain, where is associated IP for www and NS is 192.100.0.X where X is your IP.
/data directory on linux server should make available on windows system that eric user should able to access on read only mode within domain.
Make on /archive directory that only the user owner and group owner member can fully access.
We are working on /data initially the size is 2GB. The /dev/test0/lvtestvolume is mount on /data. Now you required more space on /data but you already added all disks belong to physical volume. You saw that you have unallocated space around 5 GB on your harddisk. Increase the size of lvtestvolume by 5GB.
Add a job on Cron schedule to display Hello World on every two Seconds in terminal 8.
Create the directory /archive and group owner should be the sysuser group.
One New Kernel is released named kernel-.2.6.19-11. Kernel is available on directory for anonymous. Install the Kernel and make the kernel-2.6.18-8 default.
Make Secondary belongs the jeff and marion users on sysusers group. But harold user should not belongs to sysusers group.
Create the user named eric but eric should not belong to the sysadmin group.
Make on /storage directory that only the user owner and group owner member can fully access.
You are a System administrator. Using Log files very easy to monitor the system. Now there are 50 servers running as Mail, Web, Proxy, DNS services etc. You want to centralize the logs from all servers into on LOG Server. How will you configure the LOG Server to accept logs from remote host ?
Add a new logical partition having size 100MB and create the /data which will be the mount point for the new partition.
You are the administrator of domain. Configure to deny local login to all normal users on your domain server. As well as allow to root login only on First Terminal.
There are mixed lots of System running on Linux and Windows OS. Some users are working on Windows Operating System. Your printer is connected on linux server. You want to share the printer-using samba so that users working on windows also can print. Configure the samba server to share printer.
/storage directory on linux server should make available on windows to only Harold with full access but read only to other users and make sure that /storage can access only within domain. Configure to make available.
Now a days you are observing that your system being very slow. You observe the processes that one user named user1 running more than 50 processes. Configure to limit the number of processes that user1 couldn’t run more than 7 process.
There are mixed lots of System running on Linux and Windows OS. Some users are working on Windows Operating System. There is a /data directory on linux server should make available on windows to user1 and user2 users on read and write mode and read only to other samba users.
/storage directory on linux server should make available on windows system that jeff user should able to access on read only mode within domain.
You want to deny to user1 and user2 users to access files via ftp. Configure to deny these users to access via ftp.
Your Local Domain is Configure the send mail server for you local LAN by following these conditions.
i.Any mail going from Local LAN should be masquerade to
ii.Any incoming mail for virtual address should be mapped to
iii.All outgoing mail should be send via mail server.
One Logical Volume named lv1 is created under vg0. The Initial Size of that Logical Volume is 100MB. Now you required the size 500MB. Make successfully the size of that Logical Volume 500M without losing any data. As well as size should be increased online.
You have ftp site named You want to deny login as an anonymous on your ftp site. Configure to deny the anonymous.
Configure the DHCP server by matching the following conditions:
Now a days you are observing that your system being very slow. You observe the processes that one user named user1 running more than 50 processes. Configure to limit the number of processes that user1 couldn’t run more than 7 process.
There are Mail servers, Web Servers, DNS Servers and Log Server. Log Server is already configured. You should configure the mail server, web server and dns server to send the logs to log server.
Your System is going to use as a Router for two networks. One Network is and Another Network is Both network’s IP address has assigned. How will you forward the packets from one network to another network?
There is a FTP server and all required packages are dumped in /var/ftp/pub of that server and anonymous login is enabled. Install the Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 as an anonymous by creating following partitions:
swap2X256 (RAM SIZE)