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CCA175 Exam Dumps - CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer Exam - Performance Based Scenarios

Question # 4

Problem Scenario 93 : You have to run your Spark application with locally 8 thread or locally on 8 cores. Replace XXX with correct values.

spark-submit --class com.hadoopexam.MyTask XXX \ -deploy-mode cluster SSPARK_HOME/lib/hadoopexam.jar 10

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Question # 5

Problem Scenario 48 : You have been given below Python code snippet, with intermediate output.

We want to take a list of records about people and then we want to sum up their ages and count them.

So for this example the type in the RDD will be a Dictionary in the format of {name: NAME, age:AGE, gender:GENDER}.

The result type will be a tuple that looks like so (Sum of Ages, Count)

people = []

people.append({'name':'Amit', 'age':45,'gender':'M'})

people.append({'name':'Ganga', 'age':43,'gender':'F'})

people.append({'name':'John', 'age':28,'gender':'M'})

people.append({'name':'Lolita', 'age':33,'gender':'F'})

people.append({'name':'Dont Know', 'age':18,'gender':'T'})

peopleRdd=sc.parallelize(people) //Create an RDD

peopleRdd.aggregate((0,0), seqOp, combOp) //Output of above line : 167, 5)

Now define two operation seqOp and combOp , such that

seqOp : Sum the age of all people as well count them, in each partition. combOp : Combine results from all partitions.

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Question # 6

Problem Scenario 41 : You have been given below code snippet.

val aul = sc.parallelize(List (("a" , Array(1,2)), ("b" , Array(1,2))))

val au2 = sc.parallelize(List (("a" , Array(3)), ("b" , Array(2))))

Apply the Spark method, which will generate below output.

Array[(String, Array[lnt])] = Array((a,Array(1, 2)), (b,Array(1, 2)), (a(Array(3)), (b,Array(2)))

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Question # 7

Problem Scenario 14 : You have been given following mysql database details as well as other info.




jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db

Please accomplish following activities.

1. Create a csv file named updated_departments.csv with the following contents in local file system.








2. Upload this csv file to hdfs filesystem,

3. Now export this data from hdfs to mysql retaildb.departments table. During upload make sure existing department will just updated and new departments needs to be inserted.

4. Now update updated_departments.csv file with below content.







2000,Quality Check

5. Now upload this file to hdfs.

6. Now export this data from hdfs to mysql retail_db.departments table. During upload make sure existing department will just updated and no new departments needs to be inserted.

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Question # 8

Problem Scenario 33 : You have given a files as below.

spark5/EmployeeName.csv (id,name)

spark5/EmployeeSalary.csv (id,salary)

Data is given below:























Now write a Spark code in scala which will load these two tiles from hdfs and join the same, and produce the (name.salary) values.

And save the data in multiple tile group by salary (Means each file will have name of employees with same salary). Make sure file name include salary as well.

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Question # 9

Problem Scenario 11 : You have been given following mysql database details as well as other info.




jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db

Please accomplish following.

1. Import departments table in a directory called departments.

2. Once import is done, please insert following 5 records in departments mysql table.

Insert into departments(10, physics);

Insert into departments(11, Chemistry);

Insert into departments(12, Maths);

Insert into departments(13, Science);

Insert into departments(14, Engineering);

3. Now import only new inserted records and append to existring directory . which has been created in first step.

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Question # 10

Problem Scenario 64 : You have been given below code snippet.

val a = sc.parallelize(List("dog", "salmon", "salmon", "rat", "elephant"), 3)

val b = a.keyBy(_.length)

val c = sc.parallelize(Ust("dog","cat","gnu","salmon","rabbit","turkey","wolf","bear","bee"), 3)

val d = c.keyBy(_.length)


Write a correct code snippet for operationl which will produce desired output, shown below.

Array[(lnt, (Option[String], String))] = Array((6,(Some(salmon),salmon)), (6,(Some(salmon),rabbit}}, (6,(Some(salmon),turkey)), (6,(Some(salmon),salmon)), (6,(Some(salmon),rabbit)), (6,(Some(salmon),turkey)), (3,(Some(dog),dog)), (3,(Some(dog),cat)), (3,(Some(dog),gnu)), (3,(Some(dog),bee)), (3,(Some(rat), (3,(Some(rat),cat)), (3,(Some(rat),gnu)), (3,(Some(rat),bee)), (4,(None,wo!f)), (4,(None,bear)))

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Question # 11

Problem Scenario 29 : Please accomplish the following exercises using HDFS command line options.

1. Create a directory in hdfs named hdfs_commands.

2. Create a file in hdfs named data.txt in hdfs_commands.

3. Now copy this data.txt file on local filesystem, however while copying file please make sure file properties are not changed e.g. file permissions.

4. Now create a file in local directory named data_local.txt and move this file to hdfs in hdfs_commands directory.

5. Create a file data_hdfs.txt in hdfs_commands directory and copy it to local file system.

6. Create a file in local filesystem named file1.txt and put it to hdfs

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Question # 12

Problem Scenario 82 : You have been given table in Hive with following structure (Which you have created in previous exercise).

productid int code string name string quantity int price float

Using SparkSQL accomplish following activities.

1. Select all the products name and quantity having quantity <= 2000

2. Select name and price of the product having code as 'PEN'

3. Select all the products, which name starts with PENCIL

4. Select all products which "name" begins with 'P\ followed by any two characters, followed by space, followed by zero or more characters

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Question # 13

Problem Scenario 84 : In Continuation of previous question, please accomplish following activities.

1. Select all the products which has product code as null

2. Select all the products, whose name starts with Pen and results should be order by Price descending order.

3. Select all the products, whose name starts with Pen and results should be order by Price descending order and quantity ascending order.

4. Select top 2 products by price

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Question # 14

Problem Scenario 76 : You have been given MySQL DB with following details.






jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db

Columns of order table : (orderid , order_date , ordercustomerid, order_status}


Please accomplish following activities.

1. Copy "retail_db.orders" table to hdfs in a directory p91_orders.

2. Once data is copied to hdfs, using pyspark calculate the number of order for each status.

3. Use all the following methods to calculate the number of order for each status. (You need to know all these functions and its behavior for real exam)

- countByKey()


- reduceByKey()


- combineByKey()

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